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Weekly bulletin 28.12.2012-04.01.2013


07 януари 2013

The new 2013 has started positively, both on the local and international markets. On BSE stock exchange veteran Sofix took the leadership and rose by 1.45 %. On the foreign markets the best presented the American stock exchanges, as the broad S&P 500 added 4.57 % to its value. In December 2012 the general business climate in the country rose by 0.7 percentage points in comparison with the previous month. The business climate in construction and retail trade increased by 3.6 and 6.4 points, while in the industry remained approximately at the level since November. Only in the service sector economic situation deteriorates (5.9 points) The index of producer prices on the domestic market in November 2012 was 0.1 % over the level in the previous month and compared to the corresponding month of the previous year is reported an increase by 6.4 %. The overall index of producer prices decreased by 0.4 % from the previous month, and compared to November 2011 is registered an increase of 5.3 %.

International news, which marked the end of the previous year was the approval of the U.S. Congress (with 257 votes "for" and 167 - "against") for the compromise bill for taxation in 2013. With it will be raised taxes of  77.1 % of the American households, show estimates of analysts. The Senate voted texts earlier during the New Year's Day and will take effect retrospectively from 1 January. It is forthcoming White House and Congress to negotiate public spending and the debt ceiling of the United States. It is planned to be increased the tax rates for those with annual income over 400 thousand dollars and for households with an annual income over 450 thousand dollars. It will be reduced also the tax benefits that individuals and households with incomes above these limits will be eligible. With respect to individuals the threshold is twice as much proposed during the election campaign of Obama and household threshold is 80 % higher than promised by the president. It is extended the duration of the federal program to help long-term unemployed.

Collective investment schemes managed by UBB Asset Management reported growth in their performance - UBB Premium Equity and UBB Balanced Fund closed with increases of 1.04 % and 0.66 % respectively. Transactions concluded last week have intended to reach the set target weights for each of the positions in the portfolio....more »

Tihomir Nenov, risk manager

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