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Weekly bulletin 16.11-23.11.2012


26 ноември 2012

The oldest stock exchange index SOFIX fell by 1.27 percent this week, as the most negatively impacted the declines for FIB - to BGN 1.301 per share, in Kaolin - to BGN 2.26 per share and M + C Hydraulic - to BGN 6.411 per share. Among the companies included in the index only shares of Advance TerraFund and KTB rose. The strong performance of Advance TerraFund (last deal for the week at BGN 2.27) led to BGREIT fell by only 0.4 % to 79.99 points. BGTR30 slid by 1.03 %. Only BG40 reported an increase of 0.26 % as a result of the growth in stocks with high unit value, namely Albena AD, Sofia-BT and KTB. With the highest turnover during the week were shares of Mountain Paradise Invest REIT (BGN 2 million), Advance TerraFund (BGN 1.7 million), Bulgartabac (BGN 510 thousand), CEZ (BGN 500 thousand) and preferred shares of Chimimport (BGN 454 thousand). At an increased interest and have enjoyed registered compensatory bills with which turnover amounted to BGN 904 thousand.

NSI publish data on economic activity in industry - a business survey carried out among industrial enterprises in October 2012, shows that entrepreneurs expect this year investments done to be by 4.3 % more than in the previous 2011. According to the main industrial groupings, the largest relative share of expected investment in 2012, form the energy and water-related industries (43.2 %), followed by industries producing intermediate goods (30.4 %) and industries producing non-durable consumer goods (17.0 %). According to data from the business survey forecasts for 2013 are to increase the volume of investment in the industry by 27.0 % compared to 2012, again energy and water-related industries account for the largest share - 51.1 percent. Following are the industries producing intermediate goods and those producing non-durable consumer goods by 31.5 % and 10.3%. About 40 % of businesses do not plan expenditure for acquisition of fixed assets in the following year.

Collective investment schemes managed by UBB Asset Management has divided in their performance - UBB Premium Equity and UBB Balanced Fund followed the market trend and reported decreases of 0.86 % and 0.32 %, while UBB Patrimonium Land and UBB Platinum Bond recorded gains of respectively 0.30 % and 0.08 %. Transactions concluded last week have intended to reach the set target weights for each of the positions in the portfolio....more »

Tihomir Nenov, risk manager

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