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Weekly bulletin 03.08-10.08.2012


13 август 2012

The BSE indices has divided in their performance over past week - BG 40 and Sofix increased respectively by 0.34 % and 0.17 %, while BG TR30 and BG REIT reported decreases of 1.86 % and 0.28 %. On Friday the Board of the stock exchange removed ELARG Agricultural Land Fund REIT from the index BGREIT and replace it with the Exclusive Property REIT. Removal from BGREIT concerns the decision of the Financial Supervision Commission to revoke the license issued to fund ELARG Agricultural Land Fund as a special purpose vehicle for securitization of real estate following the decision for voluntary liquidation of the company. Leader in turnover for the last 5 working days is Blagoevgrad-BT with 5.9 million BGN, and its shares rose 10.9 %. Second with 1.55 million BGN were shares of Sopharma, they rose 5.3 % to 2.41 BGN per share. Registered compensatory bills hit 7-year high of 83 st. for 1 BGN denomination, as the turnover with them amounted to 3 million BGN.

Stock exchanges around the world reported increase, as the largest they were on the Japanese market, whose leading index - NIKKEI rose nearly 4 %. Japan Parliament finally adopted the Law on doubling the sales tax until 2015 to stop the growth of colossal debt and to ensure the survival of the social assistance system, announced AFP, quoted by BTA. This will happen in stages - first from the current five percent tax will rise to 8 percent in 2014 and in 2015 will be 10 %. Meanwhile, Bloomberg agency reported that the U.S. budget deficit declined in July, after costs have registered a decline of nearly 12 % annually. Shortage in U.S. Treasury fell by 46.2 % to 69.6 billion dollars after a year earlier was 129.4 billion dollars, according to the Treasury of the country. Economists expected a budget deficit of the United States in July to reach 90 billion. For the first 10 months of the fiscal year, the U.S. budget deficit fell to 973.8 billion dollars from 1.1 trillion dollars for the same period in 2011.

Collective investment schemes managed by the "UBB Asset Management" reported increases, for the fifth consecutive week, the best presented is UBB Balanced Fund, which grew by 0.94 %. Transactions concluded last week have intended to reach the set target weights for each of the positions in the portfolio....more »

Tihomir Nenov, risk manager

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