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Investor zone

Investor zone




Why to invest?

What are the problems ahead of us?

In the last few years, we have been living in what we call the "new normal" - an environment of zero interest rates on deposits, and often additional fees and deductions on them. However, the inflation continues to eat away at the purchasing power of our money.

 We probably rarely think about how our money loses its value. Since 2016 until 2020 the overall rise in inflation for the country based on the average rise in prices of goods and services included in the consumer price index is 10.05%. Imagine what would happen in a longer period of time?

 Example: If on December 31, 2016 you put BGN 100 in a deposit account with zero interest, one year later - on December 31, 2017, you will have BGN 100.

 But the inflation grew by 2.1% in 2017, which means that you will need BGN 102.10 to buy the same goods and services you bought in December 2016.

 Result: You will have to lose some of these goods because your savings on deposit do not increase while inflation rises. How can you approach after knowing this?

 In the conditions of zero interest rates on deposits, several of the big banks have already stopped opening time deposits. More and more people are facing the following issues:

 How to protect our money from inflation?

Can we earn enough from our money in the new normal?

Is there a solution that can preserve the value of our money over time and replace traditional savings products?

How to maintain our current standard of living when we are not working?

This makes more and more people look for a solution. And this solution is called investing.

Why to invest?

Global economies are evolving, and real business is this opportunity that can preserve the value of our money over time and fight inflation in the long run. Taking controlled risk is the only solution, but many people are still worried about investing. In fact, most do it without realizing it.

 Example: When we insulate our apartment, we invest money that we expect to add value over time in the form of reduced heating bills. But we also take risks - the insulation can be damaged if it is not made well, for example. Or when we buy a new, more economical car, we invest again.

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