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UBB ExpertEase Dynamic Balanced (LEVA)

Suitable for investors who are tolerant of some loss and are willing to take higher risks. The target distribution is 55% for shares and 45% for bonds.


UBB ExpertEase Dynamic Balanced (LEVA) is a global mixed “balanced” investment sub-fund of the umbrella mutual fund UBB ExpertEase, which is a feeder collective investment scheme within the meaning of Article 67 of the Law on the Activity of Collective Investment Schemes and Other Collective Investment Enterprises (LACISOCIE). The sub-fund is a feeder Sub-Fund and invests at least 85% of its assets in shares of Institutional F share BG class, denominated in LEVA, of the main sub-fund Horizon KBC Dynamic Balanced, which is an investment division of Horizon N.V., which is an open-ended investment company duly established and existing under the laws of Belgium, having his head office and registered address at: Havenlaan 2, B-1080, Brussels, Belgium and is managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. The investment objective of the sub-fund is to invest at least 85% of its assets in the main sub-fund and up to 15% of its assets in cash and derivatives. The investment objective of the main sub-fund is to generate the highest possible return for its shareholders in accordance with its investment policy. This is reflected in its striving to generate capital gains and income. For this purpose, the assets of the main sub-fund are mainly invested directly or indirectly, through related financial instruments, in bonds.

The main sub-fund invests directly or indirectly in different asset classes, such as shares and/or equity-related investments (“share component”), bonds and/or bond-related investments (“bond component”), money market instruments, cash and cash equivalents and/or alternative investments (including indirect investments in real estate and financial instruments that are related to the movement of prices on commodity markets). The target asset distribution of the main sub-fund is 55% for the shares component and 45% for the bond component. This distribution can be significantly changed and, in this regard, the main sub-fund can invest a significant part of its assets in asset classes that are not included in the target distribution (such as money market instruments and money). The share component can amount to max. 70% of the assets of the main sub-fund. The Management Company of the main sub-fund performs an ongoing analysis of the financial and economic developments and prospects for specific regions, sectors and topics. If financial market conditions are uncertain, volatile, or both, part of the portfolio can be converted into lower-risk investments (such as money market instruments and money).

Managers of the main sub-fund pay twice as much attention to the risk of decreasing as to the potential for growth. The more attention is paid to the risk of decreasing, the greater the portion of the portfolio that can be invested in lower risk assets, such as money and money market instruments, in a situation of uncertain and/or volatile markets. This part of the portfolio can be between 25% and 65% of all assets. This limit is exemplary and may be revised annually on the basis of the long-term trend in the financial markets.

NAV per unit For date: 04.03.2025
по-отбранителен по-динамичен

Fund Type: Sub-fund of UBB ExpertEase
ISIN код:


Management company: KBC Asset Management NV
Depository bank: KBC Bank NV
Distributor: UBB AD
Inception date: 05.03.2020 г.
Currency: LEVA

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