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Weekly bulletin 31.08 - 07.09.2012


12 september 2012

In the short working week indexes of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange reported declines, which were in the range form -0.13 % for BG 40 to -1.74 % for BG REIT. Traditionally, trade passed in low volumes, and it was more serious with compensatory bonds with which were concluded deals for over BGN 1 million. In the second half of the week, stock markets around the world were dominated by optimism after announced from the president of the ECB - Mario Draghi program that provides buying government bonds with maturities of up to three years. According to the Bloomberg, the program includes unlimited purchases of government debt, which will subsequently be offset by the sale of securities to be quelled fears that the bank plans to print money. Besides exchanges, the news had a positive impact on the Euro, which passed the U.S. $ 1.28 the euro. The mood of investors was not marred by the data for the U.S. labor market.

Employment growth in the U.S. slowed in August, which could prompt the Federal Reserve to aggressive stimulus measures to support the economy. Last month jobs outside the agricultural sector rose by 96 thousand - well below the expected 125 thou-sand and much more than created 141 thousand places in July. Meanwhile unemployment rate fell to 8.1 % from 8.3 % in July

NSI publishes the country's GDP - in the second quarter of 2012, GDP amounted to BGN 19 007 million in current prices. Recalculated in Euro GDP is respectively 9,718 million, per capita accounted for € 1,330. Seasonally adjusted figures show 0.5 % growth in GDP in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year and 0.3 % compared to the first quarter of 2012. The share of agriculture in value added in the economy increased to 5.4 %, the industrial sector decreased its share to 33.4 % and the share of value added generated by the activities in the services sector remains unchanged - 61.2 %.

Collective investment schemes managed by the "UBB Asset Management" presented in accordance with market trends - three of them reported decreases - UBB Premium Equity with 0.98 %, UBB Balanced Fund with 0.17 % and UBB Patrimonium Land with 0.16 % while low-risk UBB Platinum Bonds rose by 0.46 %.  Transactions concluded last week have intended to reach the set target weights for each of the positions in the portfolio....more »

Tihomir Nenov, risk manager

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