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Weekly bulletin 13.04 - 21.04.2012


23 april 2012

NSI published data on investment activity in industry - in 2011 the cost of acquisition of tangible and intangible assets in the industry with 10.6 percent less than in 2010. Business survey in investment activity indicates that industrial plans for 2012 are to increase investment by 17.5 % compared to 2011. In total estimated cost of acquisition of tangible and intangible assets, share of public sector in 2012 was 22.3 %. Managers in this sector expect an increase in the investment programs of 63.5 percent compared to 2011 while in the private sector expected growth is 8.7 %. According to main industrial groupings largest share in investments expectated in 2012, set up the energy and water-related industries (46.6 %) who are expected to increase by 39.0 % compared to 2011. The second projected volume of investments (with a share of 32.0 %) are industries producing intermediate consumption goods, which provide an increase of 35.6 percent over the previous year.

Collective investment schemes managed by the "UBB Asset Management" delighted investors with increases, as the best present risky UBB Premium Equity, which grew by 0.41 %. Transactions concluded last week have intended to reach the set target weights for each of the positions in the portfolio....more »

Tihomir Nenov, risk manager

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