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Change in the names of the Responsible Investing sub-funds of UBB ExpertEase


01 january 2023

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that in the context of implementing the methodology used for responsible investing “KBC Asset Management NV”, Belgium, has decided to change the names of the Responsible Investing sub-funds of UBB ExpertEase Umbrella Mutual Fund managed by “KBC Asset Management NV – Branch”, Bulgaria to include the term Responsible Investing (RI) instead of SRI.

The change in the names will come into force from 01.01.2023, following the approval by the Financial Supervision Commission of the Rules of the UBB ExpertEase Umbrella Mutual Fund Rules, changes to the UBB ExpertEase Umbrella Mutual Fund Prospect and to the Key Information Documents of the six responsible sub-funds.

UBB ExpertEase Defensive Conservative  Responsible Investing


UBB ExpertEase Defensive Balanced  Responsible Investing


UBB ExpertEase Dynamic Balanced  Responsible Investing


UBB ExpertEase Defensive Tolerant  Responsible Investing


UBB ExpertEase Dynamic Tolerant  Responsible Investing


UBB ExpertEase Highly Dynamic Tolerant  Responsible Investing



A complete overview of the relevant sub-funds and the related name changes can be found at: UBB Asset Management (ubbam.bg)


UBB Asset Management Team

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