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Capital gain


11 august 2021

Capital gain is the profit that we get by buying something at a certain price and then selling it at a price higher than the price for which we bought it.


We buy 10 shares in Daimler AG - the car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz - at a price of $55 per share. The total purchase price is $550. We paid $8 commission to the broker on the purchase.

Two months later, Daimler AG reports very strong sales of its new S-class model. Shares of the company rise to $65 per share. We decide to sell by paying an $8 commission to the broker on the sale. Let's see what happens:


10 shares x $55 = $550


$8 commission purchase

$ 558 purchase price



10 shares at $65 = $650


$8 commission sale

$642 sale price


$642 - $558 = $84 capital gain

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